The Girl with the Red Boots Part II
the house in the forest
I'm standing before the red trafficlight again,
Seeing blood dripping out of it,
Christians thrown before the lions,
But it was just a girl losing her red boots ...
I saw Jews dying in rooms of gas,
Worldwar I kissing Worldwar II,
but it was all just a girl losing her red boots ...
I know that girl, I see her walking through the supermarket sometimes,
then I see her buying some red apples,
and after shopping I see her driving away in her red car ....
Last time I saw her, I followed her car ...
I wanted to know where she lives ...
She lives deep in the forest,
Her house was surrounded by statues of the Gestapo.
Softly I followed her inside the house.
Her mother was the Whore of Babylon, and hit her very hard.
"You will never find your red boots again", she yelled to her daughter.
I was in a shock.
I followed her to her room, hiding myself behind a curtain.
She was crying red tears ...
Eating her red apples ...
I wondered why I wasn't noticed by anyone ...
So I decided to comfort her ....
But she didn't see me,
She didn't even feel my hand on her shoulder ....
I started to whisper : It's ok ...
But she didn't hear me,
I was invisible for her it seemed ...
So I ran to her mother, the Whore of Babylon ...
But she couldn't see me either ....
So I ran outside to the statues of the Gestapo,
They could see me, since I came ....
They said : shhh, don't tell anybody we have her red boots ...
We carry them inside our heart ....
Surrounded by stone ...
But we are just little boys enchanted by the Whore of Babylon ...
One day we were teasing some little girls, taking their red boots from them away,
And then a witch turned us into these statues ...
Tears were rolling from their faces ....
We are so sorry we teased the girls, but they started, they told lies to the mistress about us ...
The mistress punished us, while we didn't do anything ...
And now we are statues, and the Whore of Babylon also hid the red boots of her daughter into us ....
And she told her daughter the people of the village took the boots away ...
And since then she can't see these people ....
That's why she didn't see you ....
She's under a spell ....
Now how can we break the spell ? I ask ...
Don't tell it to anyone ... for when the Whore comes to know about it, she will throw us into the rivers ...
That was what she always said .....
But what can we do then, I ask ....
At that moment the Whore of Babylon runs outside ....
You talked ! She screams,
and throws the statues in the river behind the house ....
There they start to melt, and the red boots are appearing,
floating through the water ...
At that moment the girl starts to watch outside her window, and within a minute she's standing besides the river, trying to get her boots .... After awhile, there she's standing with her red boots on... Taking notice of me .... What are you doing here, she asks ? Did you finally bring my red boots back ?
I started to tell her the story, and she's hugging me very tight ... But at the same moment her mother is running outside, the Whore of Babylon ....
At that moment the traffic-lights turn green, and I wake up .... For a woman already pushed me in my back, telling me to walk .... I turn myself around ... She has the same face of the Whore of Babylon ....
wild cats
Shall we drink some tea somewhere ? She asks ....
Well, I always wanted to have some tea with the Wh... and then I swallow my words and say : yes, that's ok ....
I would like to ask her some questions .....
It seemed she has a daughter,
who is being teased at school,
because she is shy ...
She loves her mistress for she always helps her in this,
trying to find a good solution in the case ....
Boys and girls who don't stop teasing will be sent out of school,
to work in the forest ....
This is the rule of the school .....
I know this group ....
They are called "the wild cats",
They are the terror of the village ...
For after work they start to wander through the forest to tease and attack people entering ....
They are out for revenge ....
Nobody does exactly know what they are doing in the forests ...
But they are some sort of forest-gang ....
What I see before me is a worried mother ....
Definitely not someone like the Whore of Babylon.
The school is in fear .... in fear of an attack .....
The wild cats recently sent threats to the school ....
And also her daughter is on their list to hurt ....
the attack
There I wake up again .... I knew something was wrong ....
Someone with a Wild Cat-t-shirt is drying my face with a towel,
I'm under the blood ..... A car crashed me ..... driven through the red trafficlight ....
A woman is standing there, policemen are hearing her out ....
She has the face of the Whore of Babylon ...
She tries to charm the policemen,
but their faces are tight and serious ....
They describe it as an attempt of murder ....
The lady appears to be a wanted childlurer,
high on the police's list of criminals .....
She killed many children,
poisoned candy .....
I'm lying in the hospital .....
They don't know if I will survive ....
I'm still looking for lost children after all these years ....
Still a policeman, a detective,
looking for lost red shoes ....
Two children were sitting on my knees this night ....
They were lost for so many years ....
Worldwar I and Worldwar II,
just lost kids .....
Captured by The Whore of Babylon ....
That day I wake up,
two children who were lost for years were found .....
I'm still bleeding a bit ....
They were kidnapped by the woman who crashed me,
that dangerous child-lurer ....
poisoned candy ....
That was how she was called .....
That was which she used ....
She couldn't charm anyone this time .....
The wounds were already too deep ....
The blood was already streaming ....
No smile could cover it .....
It seemed the person with the wild cat-t-shirt saved my life ....
After the crash, she wanted to shoot through my head ...
But he kicked the gun out of her hand, and cared over me,
While my collegues were already taking her away ....
They never saw him again, he just disappeared after awhile ....
He might be an angel ... Who knows ...
There the doctor enters in. He sais : Sir, there's much hope you will survive the crash ...
He had tears in his eyes, saying : Sir, I just read the book you gave me "War is but a lost child."
Since I read it it's getting much better with you, and there's much hope again ....
I think I will also read the books some other patients gave me.
And sir, he asks, I really want to know who wrote this book ...
I'm moving my head up a little, and look deep into his eyes ... saying :
The one who wrote this, ..... was my lost ...child ....