The Anatomy of Candy
the dentist's sweet advice
Two grammes of a sweet mouth,
Some pieces of a sweet red velvet boot,
The sweet destiny of a straycat,
Some old teeth of the candy's witch ...
The anatomy of candy
Three drops of a candy-mouse's word,
Two guitars of a sweet babydoll ...
The anatomy of candy ...
Mix it all together,
And let it boil for a three hours.
Throw some kids' shoes through it, after that.
And some pieces of your grandfather's beard ....
The anatomy of candy ...
Now never eat it for so far ....
Let it boil another three hours ...
And cry all your hidden tears through the mix ...
Then you let your grandmother drink a bit from the mix,
And let her go to sleep again ..
Something she always did ...
Then let the fanfare come to play their best songs ...
And throw their gloves through the mix ...
While boiling it for another three hours ...
The anatomy of candy ....
Now mix all your unfulfilled dreams into it ....
And the spoilt dreams of your childhood ....
Throw also some toys of your kids in the mix ...
And let them cry for awhile about the loss ...
Then say your prayers for a minute,
and burn the whole mix ....
The anatomy of candy ....
Bring the ashes to the birds ...
Let them eat, and let them sleep again ...
Something they always did ...
Then watch how the wind divides the ashes ...
And how it brings it all to the four corners of the earth ...
The anatomy of candy ...
Then it's time for your own sleep ...
Weep yourself into sleep, for you didn't get one taste of it ...
But remember ...
Tomorrow you will smell it ... For the wind brought it to the poles to enjoy ...
And they will always give you your piece ...
The anatomy of candy
The next week you will feel like candy yourself ...
And you will buy yourself some new shoes ...
And fly to the moon ...
Where you will meet the candy-witch ...
With eyes as big as dishes ...
With a mouth as big as a banana ...
With dreams as big as your own dreams ....
With lions even bigger than yours ...
She will look like you ...
So beautiful and pure ....
And she will say this is all possible, because she got some of your mix ...
The anatomy of candy ....
And now your dreams are gone ...
You lay on your boring bed ...
But it all has ears now ...
And even your tooth-brush can talk ...
The anatomy of candy ....
Your dentist will send you congratulations ...
Together with a pink eliphant to embrace you ...
The anatomy of candy ...
And you will not believe one word of this story,
You will even not believe yourself after today,
The anatomy of candy ...
You will prepare the same mix tomorrow,
trying to get it all back ....
trying to have a little faith in a dentist's advice ...
trying to overcome the fear of the dentist ...
But his monkeys still jump in your back ...
And his mice still dive in your bag ...
You will never listen to a dentist's advice again ...
You will never eat his candy again ...
But you will begin with your own shop for missed teeth ...
Your own shop for missed children ...
You will be your own dentist ....
And your own tooth-brush will be your assistant ...
You will have your own candy-shop ...
And after many years you will think .... : The dentist's advice wasn't that bad ... There are worse things ...
And you will read these notes again .... Trying that old receipt for candy ....
And you will feel like you have find your bible ....
Like eating candy all day ...
the docter's strange demise
Till you fall in the arms of a docter's advice ...
And he will say :
First buy yourself some new shoes ...
And then do it all over again ...
The anatomy of candy ...
Even worse than a dentist's advice ...
The docter's worst demise ....
You will search for your best teacher ....
But he appeared to be your worst politician ...
Saying : Just again : Buy some new shoes, and then do it all over again ...
The best thing to do is then : Start a shoe-shop ....
Or a shoe-zoo ...
And put them all behind the bars ....
The dentist, the docter, the teacher, the politician,
and most of all : their assistants ...
For all their advices, stories and fairytales, were spun by their assistants ...
animals from the big shoe ....
Don't touch them, don't feed them, don't even come close to them ...
Just watch in the distance .... Just watch .... And ..... Forget .....
The anatomy .... of .... candy ....
But some years later,
You will hear the bell in their stories ...
Thinking : It all wasn't that bad ... There are some things much worse than this ...
And their strange stories will be your candle in the night ...
You will tell them to your kids ....
And they will tell them to their kids ...
Strange stories of a dentist's assistent ...
Used to win wars ....
Used to let wild children behave ...
Used to ... tame ... dangerous animals ....
Animals .... from ...... the ...... Big ... Shoe ....
Noah and Noah
I saw my dentist's assistant ...... awhile ago .....
Walking with ...... Red .... Boots ....
She was painted like a tiger ....
She was .... like the master's touch ....
She walked there with a big bible under her arms ....
Her bible .....
She wrote it for the kids .....
Her red boots were stolen ....
Made from kids' shoes .....
Red ....... T....i.....g......e.......r.....s
There's something much worse than a dentist's assistant :
Her .... boots ....
But .....
This Bible ....... Her Bible ...
Is a Song-Book .......
for children ....
The most horrible and the most cruel songs we had to sing ....
In kindergarten ...
No one told us they were hers ....
We were all scared of the mistress .....
But we had to fear the assistant .....
well ............................. her red boots .....
Well, now I use these masterpieces in my own wars ...
The assistant is the statue on my gun ....
and the statue on my ship ......
At the front .....
But she still looks beautiful ....
I never have to paint her over ....
In the genesis of her bible she tells about how she got her red boots .....
She stole the red tigers from Noah's Ark ...
And made kid-shoes of them .....
And her own red boots .....
To control them all ......
Noah knows all about her ....
He cried days and nights ....
The flood .....
Noah and Noah are two business-men, two brothers ....
They built an ark for all occupations and professions ..... Two of each ......
Preachers, Policemen, Dentists, Lawyers, Teachers, they can all be found there .......
Except ............. The shoemakers .............
They were kidnapped by the girl with the red boots ....
The dentist's assistant ....
She was actually the boot-shop-girl ....
Noah and Noah are always looking for her .....
I'm working in that bootshop for awhile now .....
The bootshop-girl isn't the worst .... I found out ....
It's in her shoes ..... There the poison's boiling ....
One day two men with round glasses and big grey beards came into the shop ....
They asked for red boots ....
They showed me a mechanism in the soles ....
They were talking like mathematicians,
I couldn't follow their speech ...
They talked strange, for sometimes they spoke the same words at the same time,
and sometimes they switched after every word .....
After that they asked money from me for their speech,
but I asked money from them to enter my shop ....
They said they were looking for the bootshop-girl ....
So I asked if she would come ... which she did .....
They said : Finally we have found you, and started to fight with her .....
All I saw was a mix appearing before my eyes ...... surrounded by a moisty mist ....
Out of the mist a little creature appeared ....
It looked like a fir .....
He shook my hands and said :
Now you know the secret of the girl with the red boots ....
She is not only the daughter of Noah and Noah ....
She is me ....
And so are Noah and Noah ....
I am the movie-master ..... And this was just another part ... of .... me ....